
Death Enters the Saloon is a weird Western role-playing filler about guilt, judgement and fear of Death.

Death Enters the Saloon is participating in Zine Quest 2024, on Kickstarter, from 1 to 29 February.

Status of the game

This text has been playtested and is being revised to a final version, which will hopefully be published as a consequence of the Kickstarter and participation in the Zine Quest 2024, from 1 to 29 February.

This English translation was obtained with the machine translation function. The text will be retranslated and edited once there is a final text in Italian.

Copyright © 2023-2024 Greta Bellagamba & Daniele Di Rubbo. All rights reserved.

Creative Commons

The game text to be published at the end of Zine Quest 2024 will be released under a Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 licence. The current version is not yet published under that licence, as it is not final.

Last updated